Our Vision
Sweatcoin is a free app which rewards your daily steps with a new-generation currency you can spend on cool products or donate to charity.
Why? Because when you look after your health, you benefit society. You are more productive. You help save $billions in healthcare. Your movement has value: you deserve a share in it.
A few simple steps
Walk. Earn…
Choose from 1000s of fabulous branded goods and services in our marketplace from high-tech shoes to iPhones, anti-gravity yoga classes, Apple Watches and more!
to a variety of environmental, humanitarian and animal preservation causes
A new global economy of wealth through health is coming.
Get ready and start growing your wallet today.
We do not sell your data
The safety of your data is our top priority. It is not for sale to any third party, and never will be.
British Journal of Sports Medicine
Sweatcoin has achieved sustainable physical activity behaviour change using a viable business model that can continuously reward its users for being active.
How do Sweatcoinsget their value?
The value of a sweatcoin is derived from our wide-reaching partnerships. From brands that want to connect with health conscious audiences, insurers wishing to encourage healthier lifestyle choices and governments looking to reduce healthcare costs.