There are many ways of exchanging what we have and can do for the things we need. ‘Money‘ is just one of them. The internet revolution has brought us new ways of exchanging things, without the unnecessary step of acquiring money first. At CES we exchange and share what we have to offer for what others provide, using a variety of exchange methods: record keeping, time exchange, direct exchange, barter, swapping, gifting and sharing. Simply by keeping track of who receives what from whom we can dispense with the ancient idea of exchange media and the apparatus required to create, circulate and manage them. This helps us focus on providing and requesting what is really needed instead of chasing after money.
How does it work?
The CES provides its users with a platform for advertising their offerings and wants, as well as a variety of instruments for facilitating trade and exchange. Read more…
For the past year, the Community Exchange System (CES) has been discussing the formation of an alliance with the world's biggest and most influential, community-based, non-monetary exchange systems. Recently, CES, TimeBanking USA, Timebanks UK and Seva Exchange formed...
In the midst of the Coronacrisis we hear many calls for a “new economy”. These come from both sides: from the upholders of the current economy, and from those who have always longed for a more relaxed, less destructive and exploitative one. Is it possible to create a...